Citrix Gateway

Citrix Gateway plug-in System Requirements

Citrix Gateway plug-in establishes a secure connection from the client machine to the Citrix Gateway appliance.

The plug-in is distributed as a desktop app for Microsoft Windows, macOS X, and Linux operating systems. After you authenticate to the secure URL of the Citrix Gateway appliance with your Web browser, the plug-in is downloaded and installed automatically on your machine.

The plug-in is provisioned as a mobile app for Android and iOS devices.


  • To install the plug-in, admin/root privileges are required on the operating system.

  • The browsers that support the Citrix Gateway plug-in also support clientless VPN.

Citrix Gateway plug-in as a desktop app is supported for the following operating systems and Web browsers.

Operating System Supported Browsers
macOS X (10.9 and later) Safari 7.1 or later; Google Chrome Release 30 or later; Mozilla Firefox Release 30 or later
Windows 10 (x86 and x64) Internet Explorer 11; Google Chrome Release 30 or later; Mozilla Firefox Release 24 or later; Edge Chromium
Windows 8.1 Internet Explorer 11; Google Chrome Release 30 or later; Mozilla Firefox Release 24 or later; Edge Chromium
Windows 8 Internet Explorer 9 and 10; Google Chrome Release 30 or later; Mozilla Firefox Release 24 or later; Edge Chromium
Linux; Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS, 14.04 LTS, and 12.04 LTS. 32-bit and 64-bit OS is supported. Mozilla Firefox Release 44 and above; Google Chrome 50 and above


  • Due to a bug (1573408) in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, the VPN plug-in installation fails. The workaround for the same is listed as follows.

  • Windows 10 and Windows 11 in S modes do not support the Citrix Gateway plug-in.

Type the following command using the command line interface:

sudo dpkg -i nsgclient*.deb

If the required dependency packages are missing, the command lists them and the plug-in installation fails. These dependency packages must be manually installed. Administrators can install a missing package by typing the following command using the command line interface.

apt-get install <dependency package>

Citrix Gateway plug-in as a mobile app is supported for the following operating systems.

VPN App Supported Operating Systems
Android Android 7.0 and later
iOS iOS 12.0 and later
Citrix Gateway plug-in System Requirements